Adaya De Baïracli Levy

Adaya’s childhood was shaped by her multicultural family and a close connection to Greece and its music.
Already from an early age she was active with her folk project “Pan” and played street music.
Always being attracted by folk music from Ireland, England and Scotland, her fascination for old music of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance grew constantly as well.
Adaya soon realized that the usual musical studies in the fields of jazz, pop and classical music wouldn’t lead her the right path and with that she decided to rather get inspired by the sounds of the world – by travelling.
From that moment on Adaya’s repertoire grew – projects like “Aywa” and “Kel Amrun“ came along and concerts became more frequent.
Her urge to learn different instruments was hard to quench, so she taught herself harp, banjo, bagpipes, guitar, flute, lyre – and more.
2017 her first solo album “The Other Side“ was released, and a few years later “New Land”.
Today she is still active with her solo project “Adaya”, together with Faun.
Instruments: vocals, flute, bagpipes, banjola, harp, lyre
– Personal questions –
1. FAUN has so many wonderful songs – if you had to choose one – which would be your favorite?
Adaya: I have many favorites… HEKATE is definitely one of them!
2. If you had a magic mirror – what would you want to see?
Adaya: I would want to see far, far back in history. Even to prehistorical times! There is so little we know.
3. Where does your passion for flutes and bagpipes come from and do you have a favorite instrument?
Adaya: The flute was my very first instrument, when I still was a little girl. I took it with me everywhere! The Bagpipe I heard for the first time in the old town of Bern, played by two streetmusicians. It’s endless sound, that immediatly took me in a trance, fascinated me and i wanted to know more about ancient music. Quite soon I built my first bagpipe together with a friend and I joined the musicians.
Do you have a favorite quote or saying which inspires you again and again?
Adaya: Everything is possible.
How do you balance your professional life as a musician with your private life – do you find it hard from time to time?
Adaya: I always saw music as my profession, in which case it’s absolutely normal that it takes up a lot of time. In other job’s it’s not much different, except for the fact that musicians have to travel a lot. Sometimes I get worried, that I’m not spending enough time with my son. But then I remind myself, that he is much happier with a fulfilled mother, then with a broken one, not living her dream. There is nothing more beautiful in life, then to do what one loves. In my case it’s music.